Happy B.C. day everyone! After two weeks of running summer camps the extra day off came at just the right time for me. I spent the afternoon cheering on the Canadian’s women’s soccer team… what a game! (Don’t even get me started on the ref!)
So, in honour of B.C. day I wanted to share this link I found to a goldmine of songs – with free downloadable sheet music – all about B.C.!
It actually comes from the music library over at U.B.C. http://www.library.ubc.ca/music/bcmusic/htmpages/musiclisttitles.html
It includes such hits as “I’ll B.C.ing you in B.C” (http://www.library.ubc.ca/music/bcmusic/htmpages/illbeseeingyou.html)
And my personal favourite, a song about my hometown: “The White Rock Song” (http://www.library.ubc.ca/music/bcmusic/htmpages/whiterocksong.html)
Here is just a sampling of the lyrics:
“When you feel like a seaside rendezvous
When you take a notion for an ocean view
Pack your grip and take a trip where smart ones flock –
White Rock, B.C.”
Plus many, many, MANY more! Perfect for planning a music therapy session on B.C. day for seniors.
If you are looking for something a little more modern, check out this free downloadable playlist from last year’s Peak performance project finalists for 20 songs all about Vancouver. You can also stream them via soundcloud from the site.
Check out The Oh Well’s “Go Outside” for a little pick me up.
Hope you had a great long weekend!