Well, this might come as a surprise to you (it was kind of surprising to me also) but I’ve been working hard behind the scenes – not only on starting a YouTube channel that provides resources to other Music Therapists – but I’ve also sneakily been working on creating digital products for parents, teachers and therapists!
As a music therapist, I always value having new interventions with fun songs and colourful, engaging visuals that are goal based and client-preferred to use in my sessions.Especially when the visuals are already done and don’t involve any cutting, glueing or laminating!
I decided to focus this first digital product on supporting language development. Communication is a huge goal area for a lot of our clients, and I love the independence, autonomy and confidence that improving communication brings!The basic building block of verbal communication is oral motor skills which is what this digital bundle focuses on.
The bundle includes 5 songs with ebooks, audio files and animated videos for each one! Plus, each song comes with a chord chart and how-to-use guide with targeted goals.
It’s designed so that anyone can immediately use the songs and strategies to facilitate better oral motor development for improved language skills.
The songs and visuals are silly, fun, colourful and engaging and I’m SO excited that I can take all my experience and hopefully help even more people from a ton of different places!
For more info you can read all about it by clicking below: